
Skin, Paper, Stone:

“This is a gimlet-eyed gem of a debut, bringing to mind the vibrancy, bravado and occasional poignancy of Joseph O’Connor’s debut Cowboys & Indians. Unlike those of some of Robinson’s characters, this is a career off to the most auspicious and confident of starts.”

-The Independent: full review here.

“Skin, Paper, Stone is a deceptively simple novel that packs a punch. Robinson writes with warmth and understanding, giving the reader a bird’s-eye view of a modern, post-boom Galway through a diverse and credible cast of characters.”

– The Irish Times: full review here.

“Skin Paper Stone, populated with intriguing characters and set against the backdrop of the atmospheric Galway, is an engaging début from a promising new Irish voice.”

-For Books’ Sake: full review here.

“… the novel’s true power comes from how profoundly it can be related to… Robinson describes common human experience, such as heartbreak, doubts of self-worth, and the difficulty of actually feeling like an adult with an honesty and clarity that is, at times, striking.”

-The Galway Review: full review here.

“Robinson’s contemporary Galway is as intricately drawn as Saul Bellow’s Chicago, Irvine Welsh’s Edinburgh, or Zadie Smith’s North West London…”

-The Galway Advertiser: full review here.

“This is not just an average story of boy meets girl or friend becoming foe. It’s a story of cause and effect. How a new friendship can change your perspective on life, how your goal posts can shift as the days and weeks progress. How one persons idea of love is another’s nightmare.

— Bleach House Library: full review here.

Your Mixtape Unravels My Heart:

“These stories capture a tenderness and confusion, in keeping with the title and the genre it refers to—those handmade anthologies of anthems for the moment, the mood, the bewildered, gobsmacked, swooning, and soon-to-be-lost.”

— DecomP Magazine: full review here.

“Máire T Robinson’s stories are unbeautiful truths darkly told.”

— The Galway Advertiser: full review here.

“This is Máire’s debut collection but her unique writing strengths are immediately evident. There is keen detail and psychological insight, her characters are realistically rendered and we see and feel clearly their hidden concerns.”

— full review here.

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